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I just want y'all to know that I love y'all before Meta attacks us all like the aliens in Independence Day.
in reply to Black Aziz Anansi :vm:

I sincerely share that thought, @BlackAzizAnansi.

But we can try to influence our instance's owner and/or implement the following safety precautions:



Take precautions:
#Meta joins the #Fediverse

Today, I have reposted toots about the many data abuses #Meta has already committed.

Alas, my instance,, has not responded what they intend to do about #Project92, aka #Threads (i.e. #defederate).

The #CJEU's published a damning ruling on 07/05/23 that all its practices regarding data collection contravene #GDPDR.

I have therefore decided to at least block the presently over 2.500 instances that...

in reply to HistoPol (#HP)

there is much to fear about meta.

But there is no reason to think blocking them is actually going to achieve anything to "protect" us from them, not until there are clearer understanding of what bad behaviors to expect from them, and how federating with them would enable them.

For now, all the examples of abuse from meta i seen suggested, were based on meta threatening to de-federate us, so de-federating them in the first place is just getting there right away.

in reply to Gabriel Pettier

this post by the Eugene is worth reading imho
in reply to Gabriel Pettier

Absolutely. Thanks.


What part of your #Fedi data and presence will be @ risk when the #MetaHordes come galloping through #ActivityPub from #Threads?

Like his press release.--But while I do not dispute the technological facts #Eugen explains, and will not even say that some of his conclusions are erroneous, this text simply overlooks the cultural dimension, qualitatively and quantitatively.

We are presently...